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Resources > Asialink Arts publication | Australia-Asia

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09 Nov 2010

Asialink Arts publication | Australia-Asia

None Since 1990 Asialink Arts has worked to initiate cultural and artistic exchange between Australia and the countries of Asia.  A new publication Every 23 Days: 20 Years Touring Asia celebrates some of the achievements.

Asialink Arts, based in Melbourne, has the aim to promote cultural understanding, information exchange and artistic endeavour between Australia and Asian countries.

Its work includes Australia's largest international arts residency progam, an intensive annual visual arts touring program, an ever-evolving range of exchange and collaborative projects, as well as writers' tours, publications and local and international events.

These programs enable Australians to develop their talents and experience by working in and with Asia. Artists establish personal contacts, develop on-going communication networks and further projects, and initiate and organise specific programs that encourage greater knowledge and understanding of Australian arts.

Each year the Asialink Residency program sends 40 Australian writers, performers, artists and arts managers to live and work throughout Asia. Since its inception in 1991 the program has sent more than 550 people to hosts in 19 countries. The grant of up to $12,000 goes towards travel, living and project expenses, and affords recipients the opportunity for in-depth research, stimulating cultural exchanges, international collaboration and uninterrupted time for creativity.

Applications for 2011 Asialink residencies are now closed.

Applications for 2012 will open in mid-2011.