ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Resources > ASIFA-JAPAN

posted on

07 Mar 2012


ASIFA-JAPAN  (Association International du Film d'Animation – Japan Branch) was founded in 1981, by 22 starting members including prominent Japanese animation filmmakers. The current members consist of the leading animation filmmakers and animation professionals in Japan. The main activities of ASIFA-JAPAN include organising Hiroshima International Animation Festival together with the City of Hiroshima and The Hiroshima City of the Future Foundation, as well as the annual celebration of International Animation Day on October 28th.

ASIFA – Association Internationale du Film d’Animation – is the only international non-profit organisation for animation in the world. ASIFA aims to promote animation art globally and to attain international friendship and mutual understanding through the development of animation.