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Resources > Australian Council for the Arts

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15 May 2012

Australian Council for the Arts

The Australia Council for the Arts is the Australian Government’s arts funding and advisory body. 

The Australia Council's strategic plan reflects their desire to make more visible the vitality of arts and culture, and to recognise the evolving way that Australians make and experience art. Their role is to support the unimagined along with the reimagined, the unknown and experimental along with the keenly anticipated.  The Australia Council is a champion for Australian arts both nationally and overseas. They invest in artistic excellence through support for all facets of the creative process and are committed to the arts being more accessible to all Australians.

The Australia Council was originally established as an independent statutory authority through the Australia Council Act 1975. In 2013, the Australia Council Act 2013 commenced, updating the functions of the Australia Council. The Australia Council is accountable to the Australian Parliament and to the Government through the Minister for the Arts. 

Through grants the Australia Council fund a range of arts activities including the creation of new work, collaborations, touring, productions, exhibitions, performances, publishing, recording, promotion, market development and audience engagement. They provide multi-year funding to arts organisations across Australia that create and present work and service the arts and artists. Through targeted programmes and strategic initiatives they also support the arts sector. The Australia Council is an advocate for the arts sector and they deliver original research and analysis to inform policy and strengthen the arts industry.