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Resources > (..everything about Indonesian short film..)

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06 Jun 2011 (..everything about Indonesian short film..)

the first website that dedicate itself to everything about Indonesian short film. And yet, we have to bring you a very sad fact. There is no room for Indonesian short films in Indonesian film history. The demand and the production of indonesian short films is always ascending but at the same time the short films produced vanishes no longer than its distribution. Despite its diversity and versatility, Indonesian short films will remain invisible to Indonesian film timeline. This raises questions that is aiming to answer, but the most important to us is: how to inscribe Indonesian short film into Indonesian film history. Despite the paradox and the never ending dialectic proposition this question poses, this website openly provides a space, or at least a stepping stone, to the world of Indonesian short film. Perhaps our question will remain an utopia, but history is something that demands some serious documentation. Untill that utopian destination, this website will begin the documentation of Indonesian short film.