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Resources > Bogd Khaan Palace Museum, Mongolia

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

08 Apr 2018

Bogd Khaan Palace Museum, Mongolia

The Bogd Khaan Palace Museum of Mongolia is one of the country's oldest and premier museums. The museum complex, also referred to as 'the Green Palace', was originally one of the 4 royal residences that belonged to the 8th Bogd Javzandamba Khutagt, the Theocratic Ruler of Mongolia, and comprises 'the Winter Palace' and the '7 Wisdom Glorifying Temples'. After the death of the Bogd Khaan in 192, the Winter Palace was converted into a museum in 1926, acting as the State Central Museum, and has operated as an independent museum since. Currently, the museum offers the guests the opportunity to acquaint themselves with a unique period of Mongolian history (17th-20th century) that saw the intersection of religion and politics to usher peace, independence, and a renaissance of art to the country. The Bogd Khaan Palace Museum is also an architectural marvel and is the sole royal residence that belonged to the Bogd Khaan that remains standing. Permanent collections: The museum currently houses over 8000 items and artifacts that pertain to the 17th-20th century Mongolian history, including the following:
  • 79 items registered as Priceless Items of Mongolian Heritage and Culture
  • Numerous religious iconography, including thangkas, appliques and priceless idols created by Undur Gegeen Zanabazar
  • The personal effects of the Bogd Khaan and Queen Dondogdulam, including their state ceremonial robes, crowns, clothing, attire, and accessories
  • Various gifts given to the Bogd Khaan by other nations, foreign dignitaries and nobles
  • The Bogd Khaan's stuffed animal collection, that comprises over 200 animals

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