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Resources > Bord Scannán Na Héireann (The Irish Film Board)

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29 May 2011

Bord Scannán Na Héireann (The Irish Film Board)

Bord Scannán na hÉireann/the Irish Film Board aims to ensure the continuity of production and availability of Irish films to home and international audiences. The Board was reconstituted in April 1993 by the Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands under the Film Board Act, 1980.

Bord Scannán na hÉireann provides loans and equity investment to independent Irish film-makers to assist in the development and production of Irish films. The Board also acts in co-operation with other Irish semi-state agencies to improve the marketing, sales and distribution of Irish films and to promote training and development in all areas of filmmaking. Employment of Irish film workers and the use of ancillary Irish services is a vital factor in the Board's consideration of applications.

The Board assists a number of films in development and provides production loans for feature films each year. It also funds animation and documentaries in addition to a series of initiatives dedicated to promoting talent. These schemes include Short Cuts, Short Shorts, Frameworks, Oscailt and Irish Flash.

Bord Scannán na hÉireann/the Irish Film Board is also responsible for promoting Ireland as a film location. The Location Services unit provides comprehensive information about all aspects of filming in Ireland, from tax incentives to locations, casting, crews, equipment and facilities.