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Resources > C3 Foundation: Centre for Culture and Communication Foundation

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06 Sep 2010

C3 Foundation: Centre for Culture and Communication Foundation

The aims of the C³ Foundation are the cultural application and creative employment of new scientific and technological discoveries, the research, development and support of innovative artistic potentials, and the initiation and realisation of art, science, communications, educational and cultural programmes.

The C³: Center for Culture & Communication of the Soros Foundation Hungary was launched in 1996, as a result of a cooperative effort between the Soros Foundation Hungary, Silicon Graphics Hungary and MATÁV: the Hungarian Telecom. Since 1999, it continues the work commenced as an independent institution, a non-profit, public foundation, under the name C³ Foundation. C³ is an open, not for profit institution, a space for innovative experiments and developments related to communication, culture and open society, its main focus being the fostering of meetings and cooperation among spheres of art, science and technology.

Alongside the traditional library activity (printed publications, CD and video media library, art database), the C³ Archive also signifies net-based on-line publication: in 2000, C³'s endeavour to preserve and render accessible the significant harvest of Hungarian video art was initiated, and this implies continuous serious work for some time to come. 

The organisation of public events proceeding from the character of C³ offer novelty to small groups and professional, specialised communities, while exhibitions and large-scale events are organised in suitable external locations, cooperatively organised with partner institutions. An important element of the operations of C³ is the preparation of publications, in the sense of both printed and electronic published materials.