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Resources > Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée

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02 Jul 2011

Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée

The Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée (CNC) is a public administrative organisation that manages the State’s financial support for the film and television industries, together with the grants awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Communication. It also supervises the financing instruments of the sector to do with tax relief.

The principal missions of the CNC are: regulatory, support for the film, broadcast, video, multimedia and technical industries, promotion of film and television for distribution to all audiences, and preservation and development of the film heritage.

Apart from the CNC’s economic aid for exhibition, selective schemes for the creation and modernisation of movie theatres, the modernisation of independent movie theatres in Paris, and the printing of copies for small/mid-sized towns. In addition, there are special schemes to support the broadcasting of cinéma d’auteur and little-seen films. Apart from the documentary fund for culture images, the CNC also helps to fund associations that broadcast productions for the cultural sector. Finally, grants are allocated to national and international festivals where the professional aspect is in line with CNC concerns, the most famous being the Cannes Festival. The CNC also contributes to the export and promotion of French film and television productions abroad in liaison with the other Ministries involved, notably through its financial support for Unifrance Film International and TV France International.