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Resources > Clubture Network

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25 Nov 2018

Clubture Network

Clubture mreža – Clubture Network is a non-profit participatory network of organisations working on strengthening the independent cultural sector through programme networking, raising public visibility, encouraging organisational development of the sector and strengthening its influence on the institutional framework in which it operates. The Network comprises over 50 non-governmental and artistic organisations active in areas of cultural and artistic expression. 

The network operates as a collaborative platform through which independent cultural organisations directly implement mutual projects, cultural and artistic public events in different cities in Croatia, gathering different local audiences, mostly young people and those living in smaller communities, often socially and culturally deprived. 

In addition to the programme of exchange and collaboration, Clubture also conducts activities aimed at strengthening capacities and recognition of the independent cultural scene, primarily in Croatia, but also in the Region of Southeast Europe. These activities include media programmes, educational programmes (seminars, workshops, exchange of knowledge and skills, cultural operators’ residencies, national gatherings of organisations) and advocacy activities in the field of cultural policy and youth policy (coordination of local activities of members, advocating on national level).