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Resources > Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong

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31 May 2011

Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong

The Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited (CASH) was incorporated in Hong Kong in 1977.

CASH's objectives are to:

  • Administer and enforce collectively the rights of composers and authors of musical works subsisting under the copyright law of Hong Kong SAR. CASH at present controls the copyright of musical works of over 1.7 million local Members and Members from more than 80 overseas affiliated Societies. 
  • Protect and administer the rights of its Members in more than 130 countries/territories throughout the world by means of reciprocal representation agreements with overseas Societies.
  • Educate the public on copyright issues, reinforce the public's respect towards composers and authors and ensure that their creative efforts are properly remunerated.
  • Promote and sponsor musical activities, encourage local composition and award music scholarships to improve the local standard of music.