Cultural and creative industries in Northern Dimension Area

Cultural and creative industries (CCI) have lately been recognized as a key driver of economic development and their role has been rapidly growing in the world economy. Furthermore, the products, services and skills generated by the creative industries are a source of sustainable competitiveness and innovation also in other sectors of the economy, as acknowledged in various national and international strategies and policy programs. CCIs are also important generators of employment.
In order to facilitate the efforts of the NDPC to contribute to improving the operating conditions for CCIs and strengthen the cooperation in the sector throughout the Northern Dimension (ND) area, an analytical study of the prevailing situation was carried out by the Northern Dimension Institute/Aalto University School of Business.
The analysis was based on extensive review of existing policy documents, strategy papers and action plans at mainly national and transnational levels. Also existing research reports addressing CCIs from regional, national and international perspectives were utilized in the analysis. In addition, 21 interviews were conducted among CCI experts throughout the ND area.
The report gives a brief summarizing overview of the status of CCIs in the ND area and the general trends and characteristics of CCIs affecting policy development are discussed. Also some examples of ND countries’ responses to certain challenges in CCI policy development are presented. An important part of the study consists of the CCI policy development analysis in each ND country, also some examples of innovative CCI policies and support mechanisms are presented. The report concludes with a discussion about NDPC’s role and potential focus areas of its future activities.
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