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Resources > Cultural Development Network

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15 May 2012

Cultural Development Network

The goal of Cultural Development Network (CDN) is a vibrant and rich Australian culture. Their areas of work are in networking, discourse and debate, projects and partnerships and advocacy

CDN addresses this goal by increasing the capability of governments to stimulate and facilitate the artistic visions of their communities, leading towards the cultural outcomes where there is creativity stimulated, aesthetic enrichment experienced, insight gained, diversity of cultural expression appreciated and a sense of belonging to a shared cultural heritage strengthened.

CDN carries out significant research and development into what matters to communities, their elected representatives, artists and arts managers. Understanding better planning principles, how to evaluate and provide meaningful measurement of outcomes, particularly the understanding of connection of cultural outcomes to economic, social, environmental and civic outcomes of engagement in cultural development activities.

CDN plays a sector development role with arts managers, cultural planners and producers. An increase in the capacity of the cultural sector can also impact in local economies through more productive, better focused and responsive capability across the cultural development sector of arts, libraries and heritage.