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Resources > Cultural Freedom in European Cultural Policy - publication

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24 Apr 2019

Cultural Freedom in European Cultural Policy - publication

A new study is available titled 'Cultural Freedom in European Cultural Policy'. Gijs de Vries shares his views on the role of culture in European external relations in the 2019 study “Cultural Freedom in European Foreign Policy” published by ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen in the ifa Edition Culture and Foreign Policy.

The study is available as a free download here

As the European Council adopts conclusions on an EU strategic approach to international cultural relations, this 2019 study, the latest in the ifa series, has particular interest in terms of cultural policy and external relations.

In the ifa research program "Culture and Foreign Policy", experts examine current topics of the Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy (AKBP). In three to six-month research projects, they prepare studies and formulate recommendations for future foreign cultural policy measures.

All ifa studies in the series can be found on SSOAR