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Resources > Culture Capital Foundation (Kkf)

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15 May 2011

Culture Capital Foundation (Kkf)

The aim of the State Culture Capital Foundation (SCCF) is to promote a balanced development of creativity in all the branches of art and preservation of the cultural heritage in the country in conjunction with the guidelines of the state cultural policy. The SCCF does not deal with any commercial activities.

The SCCF announces and administers culture projects’ competitions, allots life long grants for culture and arts workers for their life achievement in development of culture and art and gives financial support to short term educational, creative or scientific travels abroad.

The SCCF is managed by the Council of the Foundation, its activities are ensured by its director and the culture projects are evaluated by experts of 8 branches:
Literature, Music and Dance, Treatrical arts, Film arts, Visual arts, Cultural Heritage, Traditional Culture, Interdiscliplinary.