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Resources > Culture for Cities and Regions | catalogue of good practices

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05 Dec 2016

Culture for Cities and Regions | catalogue of good practices



In 2014, EUROCITIES was chosen by the European Commission to lead a brand new initiative called Culture for Cities and Regions, implemented it in partnership with KEA European Affairs and ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network). An updated catalogue of 71 good practices and initiatives in cities and regions across Europe is available online.

The Culture for Cities and Regions project runs from January 2015 to September 2017.  It aims to examine existing practices of culture as a key element in local and regional development strategies.
Three main dimensions are explored:

  • culture and the creative industries for local economic development and urban regeneration

  • cultural heritage as a driver for economic growth and social inclusion

  • culture for social inclusion, social innovation and intercultural dialogue

Investment in culture is broadly recognised as a key element in urban and regional development strategies. The presence and quality of cultural activities is a major factor of attractiveness of a city and a measure of quality of life.

Culture for Cities and Regions has identified 71 practices from all over Europe, covering three dimensions of culture (cultural heritage, culture and creative industries and culture for social inclusion) and has gathered them in an interactive catalogue. Its purpose is to foster the exchange of information, promote peer-to-peer learning and help local and regional authorities understand and make more of the positive impacts which investments in culture can have on economic development, social cohesion and urban regeneration.

Successful initiatives such as those outlined in this catalogue are being developed all over Europe and are making European cities and regions more successful, attractive and culturally vibrant. You can download the catalogue here.