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Resources > Daewoo Foundation

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13 Jun 2011

Daewoo Foundation

The Daewoo Foundation was first established through funds donated by Chairman Kim,Woo-Choong of the Daewoo Group. From the opening of the Shinan Daewoo Hospital in 1979, the Foundation has since expanded its programmes to include Community Social Service Projects, Academic Projects, Educational Institute Projects, Social Welfare Projects, and Cultural Projects.

The Community Social Service Projects provide medical care, health services, and scholarships for high school students and college-entrance students, with an emphasis on hospitals.

The Academic Projects are designed to encourage work on previously unexplored as well as unrepresented academic fields; Advanced Textbook Writings, Translations and Joint Research Projects, and Academic Groups are all components of these Academic Projects. Scholarship aid for post-graduate students and financial support for the educational institutes have been available since 1986 and 1988, respectively. Cultural Projects involve supporting museums to promote the community culture.

The Seoul Sunje Museum of Contemporary Art began construction in 1996.The Daewoo Foundation first began collecting Korean and foreign art in 1993. These works of art have been lent to the Sunje Museum of Contemporary Art located in the Pomoon Complex in Kyongju.