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Resources > Det Danske Filminstitut (Danish Film Institute)

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07 May 2011

Det Danske Filminstitut (Danish Film Institute)

The Danish Film Institute is responsible for implementing public policy regarding Danish films and cinema culture. DFI operations extend from participation in the development and production of feature films, short and documentary films, over distribution and marketing, to managing the national film archive and the cinematheque.

The DFI support system embraces all genres, on all platforms — from cinema, TV, computer, internet, over to mobile phone. Support ranges from the experimental and cutting edge story to films with broad appeal. There are three kinds of support: the film commissioner scheme, the market scheme and the talent development scheme at New Danish Screen. Moreover, young directors may apply to the DFI Film Workshop which promotes experimental film art. Foreign co-productions are also supported. 25% of all subsidies are earmarked for films for children and young people.