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Resources > ENCATC Magazine, Issue n°03, August 2022

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22 Sep 2022

ENCATC Magazine, Issue n°03, August 2022

ENCATC Magazine is a digital publication meant to educate, entertain, raise awareness, and inform on various topics related to cultural management and policy. For its third issue, works by have been featured in the following articles:

1. Making Arts Accessible in Rural Areas of Cambodia by Tola SAY

This article is the result of the research conducted by Tola Say during the e-residency Virtual Crossovers, organised in April 2021 by ASEF and ENCATC. Tola worked closely with her mentors, Carla Figueira and Musa Igrek, to understand how arts can become more accessible to local communities in Cambodia

2. Towards a Gender Equity in the Arts by Klaudia CHZHU

This article is the result of the research conducted by Klaudia Chzhu during the e-residency Virtual Crossovers, organised in April 2021 by ASEF and ENCACT. Klaudia worked closely with her mentor, Kiwon Hong, to research gender equity in arts, with a particular focus on policies and gaps for visual artists in Europe.

3. Interview with Valentina RICCARDI and Jordi BALTÀ PORTOLÉS

In 2022, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and following the global impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, ASEF has launched a series of online roundtables entitled Recalibrating the Compass: What Future for Asia-Europe Cultural Relations?

To inspire the cultural policies and practices of the ENCATC community and to generate new thinking from these discussions, ENCACT met with Valentina Riccardi, Head of Culture at ASEF and Jordi Baltà Portolés, researcher and consultant at Trànsit Projectes, an ENCATC member, to know more about the take aways from the second rountable focused on the Climate Crisis.

Read these articles in the full publication here.

ENCATC is the European network on cultural management and policy.