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Resources > European Expert Network on Culture - various publications

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27 Sep 2021

European Expert Network on Culture - various publications

A range of cultural policy research publications commissioned by the European Commission and written by members of the European Expert Network on Culture can be consulted online through the dedicated new EENC website.

The European Expert Network on Culture (the EENC) is a network of scholars working on the analysis of culture and cultural heritage policies. It was set up in 2020, following a Call for Tenders of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. Now, the EENC will be coordinated, for an initial period of two years, by Interarts with Dr. Cornelia Dümcke as its Scientific coordinator.

The EENC’s mission is to advise and support the European Commission in the analysis of cultural and cultural heritage policies and reforms, and to consider their implications at national, regional and European level. This support includes providing access to the most relevant evidence from research, covering the different dimensions of the cultural sector. The EENC Website, designed and managed by Interarts, aims to provide a user-friendly resource, primarily for policymakers in the wider field of culture.

The website provides a brief information on EENC mission and tasks, the description of the six thematic areas on which it will provide support (Sustainability in Cultural Heritage; Cohesion and Well-being; An ecosystem supporting artists, cultural and creative professionals, and European contentGender equality; International cultural relations; Culture as a driver for sustainable development), its publications and outputs as well as tools as sources links to the most important journals, books, studies, news. It also presents the EENC core group of experts and its coordination team.

The full collection of EENC publications, including those commissioned since 2011 under an earlier contract with a variety of expert authors, is available on the new dedicated EENC website.