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Resources > Federation of Spanish Audiovisual Producer Associations (FAPAE)

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04 Jun 2011

Federation of Spanish Audiovisual Producer Associations (FAPAE)

The Federation of Spanish Audiovisual Producer Assoociations (FAPAE) is a non-profit organisation which brings together almost all of the companies dedicated to the production of film, television and publicity in Spain. It is currently made up by almost 400 production companies which form associations based on their area of expertise, geography or other reasons particular to the audiovisual industry.

At the time of going to print in July 2009, a total of 16 associations were FAPAE members.

FAPAE acts in representation and in defence of the professional and business interests of the audiovisual production sector vis-a-vis all kinds of organisations, public and private bodies, individuals, and most especially the State; it also promotes industry research and development, market studies and analysis, and training activities.

Since its constitution in 1991, FAPAE has earned itself a position of prestige, thanks mainly to its efforts in the negotiation, with the different levels of Public Administration, of audiovisual legislation aimed at providing stability and growth within an economically self-sufficient industry, and also for the elaboration of all manner of legal agreements and arrangements with the other sectors of the audiovisual market.