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Resources > The Finnish Film Foundation

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08 May 2011

The Finnish Film Foundation

The Finnish Film Foundation grants support for professional Finnish film production. The Foundation´s goal is to promote high-quality, versatile and unique Finnish film. The support can be granted for feature-length, short and episodic fiction, documentary, animation and children’s films.

The production support is granted for the writing of a film script, development of a film project, the actual production of a film and for the marketing and distribution of the film in Finland. The Foundation also grants post-release support on the basis of a film´s total attendance.

There are no deadlines for production support applications. The applicants are advised to contact the person responsible for granting the support and to acquaint oneself with the support guidelines.

The Finnish Film Foundation is responsible for the cultural export of Finnish film. The goal of the International Department is to make Finland, Finnish film art and Finnish culture known abroad and to promote international sales of Finnish films.

The goal is to screen Finnish films at as many as possible internationally significant film festivals abroad and other events. The fundamental principle of the International Department is to have each film at a festival which is right for the film and available for audience which is suitable for the film. Viewers attained this way make up a notable addition to the annual number of viewers of Finnish films.

In addition to the activities mentioned above, the International Department is also responsible for the Short and Documentary Film Cultural Promotion Project which is carried out in co-operation with AVEK - The Promotion Centre for Audio-Visual Culture in Finland.

The Finnish Film Foundation also grants financial support for producers and filmmakers who want attend film festivals where their films are screened and support for a film print made for cultural exchange.