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Resources > Finnish Theatre Information Centre

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06 Sep 2010

Finnish Theatre Information Centre

The Finnish Theatre Information Centre (TINFO) is the Finnish Centre of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) and the Nordic Theatre Union (NTU), and was founded to answer the needs for information on theatre of the home as well as the international market. 

Its website lists events, contact data of theatres, national and international theatre organisations, festivals and professional training institutions. TINFO also links to ILONA, a database which allows a search for professional theatres, plays, theatre teams and performances in Finland. Another search function accessible from the website allows searching for translations of Finnish plays into other languages.

TINFO gathers information on professional theatres in Finland and abroad. The theatre statistics published every year, cover the repertory, spectator, employee and economic figures of Finnish professional theatres. TINFO also organises international and national theatrical events, seminars, workshops, festivals in cooperation with other organisations.