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Resources > The Malta Heritage Trust

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13 Apr 2018

The Malta Heritage Trust

Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna – The Malta Heritage Trust (FWA) is a voluntary non-governmental organisation active in the field of heritage preservation. It looks after several historic buildings and sites in Malta, all of which are open to the public.

Its properties cover 7,000 years of Maltese history, from pre-history to the 20th century. These range from a megalithic temple at Kordin to a great baroque gate once serving as the main entrance into the imposing 7km long Cottonera bastioned ramparts; and from a Victorian fort armed with the world’s largest cannon to 20th century concrete defences. Emphasis is made at all of these sites to faithfully provide the visitor with the highest form of interpretation that will make both the site friendly and the visit memorable.

As a not-for-profit organisation, the revenue it generates goes towards the restoration, and ongoing conservation of its cultural properties. Funds are generated through membership fees, voluntary contributions and sponsorships; from the management of its sites as cultural attractions; and through the provision of heritage related services to public authorities and the private sector.

Most of the cultural properties which FWA holds in trust, are made accessible to the public. In line with its objectives, FWA seeks to provide the visiting public with the highest form of interpretation that will enable a better understanding and appreciation of our cultural heritage. For this reason FWA also undertakes to build and maintain cultural collections with which to establish museums.