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Resources > Fonds National De Soutien À La Production Audiovisuelle

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22 May 2011

Fonds National De Soutien À La Production Audiovisuelle

The Film Fund of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, first established in 1990 and restructured in 1999, exists primarily to promote and foster an environment in which the country's film production industry can develop and flourish.

The promotion of the audiovisual industry has led to a number of major projects being filmed in Luxembourg. Furthermore, as the industry has grown it has developed a core of skilled technicians and experienced administrators-as much home-grown talent as that attracted from abroad. Indeed, the quality of those employed in the audiovisual industry is proof that Luxembourg's multinational workforce is adaptable and keen to rise to new challenges.

The Fund is an official body supervised by the minister responsible for culture and the minister responsible for the audiovisual sector. It manages the various programs through which the Luxembourg government provides financial incentives to audiovisual productions carried out in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The so-called Audiovisual Investment Certificate Program, in place since 1988, provides assistance to offset a proportion of production costs incurred in Luxembourg. The National Audiovisual Production Support provides discretionary loans to local producers to finance development and scriptwriting, distribution and production, repayable from the finished work's receipt. Film Fund Luxembourg also co-operates closely with the Union of Luxembourg Audiovisual producers (ULPA), which represents specialists production companies, in promoting the sector's development. The Fund also assists supervisory ministers in areas such as the drafting of regulations and legislation, compiles statistics relating to the sector, determines the award of "Luxembourg nationality" for audiovisual works and maintains a national register of productions.

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of the Fund is composed of representatives of members of the Government having within their fields of responsibility, the audiovisual sector, culture, finance, budgetary matters and the economy as well as a representative from the tax authorities and a personality well known for his skills in the cinematographic and audiovisual matters. The Board bases its decisions, on the one hand, on the opinions of a reading committee which judges artistic quality and, on the other, of an more technical analysis committee which looks at the economic and financial aspects of the development, production and marketing of audiovisual works.