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Resources > Freemuse - State of Artistic Freedom 2020 report

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16 Apr 2020

Freemuse - State of Artistic Freedom 2020 report

Freemuse has launched the State of Artistic Freedom 2020 report. As the world shifts into isolation and government’s enact state of emergency procedures, this marks a critical axis for the state of artistic freedom. The report explores the critical climate for artistic freedom as global nationalist populism continues to restrict expression.

Freemuse’s new report The State of Artistic Freedom 2020 is an in-depth analysis of 711 acts of violations of artistic freedom in 2019 in 93 countries. It shows widespread attacks on freedom of artistic expression on a global scale as practices of censoring artists’ voices continue.

“Freedom of artistic expression is protected as long as it fits dominating narratives; politically, religiously and digitally,” said Dr Srirak Plipat, Freemuse Executive Director, “This report shows that the west is losing its leading position as human rights and freedom defenders at a fast pace, while the world grows intolerant and violent against non-mainstream views and expression.”

A digital launch seminar was organised in Stockholm on World Art Day and is available on YouTube. The seminar was:

Moderated by Zandra Thuvesson, Cultural Policy Strategist, Konstnärernas Riksorganisation

Included keynote addresses from Amanda Lind, Minister for Culture and Democracy, Sweden; Hilde Klemetsdal, Director for Human Rights, Democracy and Gender Equality in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Svante Weyler, Head of Board at the Swedish Arts Council and Géraldine Zeuner, Head of Culture and Development, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.

Featured the presentation of the State of Artistic Freedom 2020 report by Dr Srirak Plipat, Freemuse Executive Director.

Included a panel discussion with Sara Edström – Artist and Chair of Konstnärernas Riksorganisation; Staffan Smedby, Head of Unit for Democracy and Human Rights, SIDA; Brittis Edman, Head of Policy at Amnesty International Sweden; and Nora Al Badri, visual/media artist.

Featured a musical performance by Jennie Abrahamsson.

Read the State of Artistic Freedom 2020 report on

Image: Artwork courtesy of Suzana Stojadinović