French Institute

The Institut français, established in 2010, is in charge of implementing France’s cultural action abroad.
Under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, its role is to act as the conduit for a new, more ambitious “diplomacy of influence”, within the framework of French governmental policies and priorities. It will help to promote French influence abroad through greater dialogue with foreign cultures, while responding to the needs of France via a policy of listening, partnership and openness to other cultures. The Institut français replaces the Culturesfrance association, with the legal status of a “Public Industrial and Commercial Undertaking”.
Among its activities are promoting the French language, thought and knowledge, as well as training the staff of the French cultural network. The Institut français upholds freedom of expression and diversity in today’s globalised world, while at the same time asserting its capabilities and expertise in the promotion of French culture worldwide. It is instrumental in projecting France’s influence and cooperative activities, and as a center of expertise and advice.
Working closely with France’s cultural network abroad, in the shape of the instituts français and alliances françaises, the Institut français seeks to answer the needs of the country’s diplomatic missions. At the same time, however, it is promoting initiatives to pool projects more widely and achieve economies of scale. At a local level, it operates under the authority of the ambassador in the country concerned.
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