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Resources > Future Festival Tools: Green competency for event professionals

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10 Jul 2023

Future Festival Tools: Green competency for event professionals

Future Festival Tools is a collection of free to use tools, resources and training materials to empower event professionals across Europe to be future-ready, with green competency, tools and personal certification.

Festivals and outdoor events have huge ecological footprints: they consume energy, water, food, materials and produce waste and carbon emissions. Faced with the ambitious climate and environmental goals proposed by the EU Green Deal to 1) reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050; 2) de-couple economic growth from resource use, and 3) ensure no person and no place is left behind, every sector of the economy and society will have to increase efforts and play their part.

The European project, involving 7 partners from 6 countries, introduces a new methodology for training festivals and outdoor events’ professionals in environmental competences, so they can adopt new business models and reduce the environmental impact of their events.

Future Festivals Tools include:

  • Self-Assessment Tool – to help professionals understand gaps in knowledge and practice for an event
  • 21 inspirational stories (case studies) about sustainability at events 
  • 6 module e-Learner course on sustainability at events with certificate of completion 
  • Educator resources – trainers’ pack and resources

All of these resources can be used by both individuals and teams. They are designed to be bite-size and accessible for everyone. All of the activities work well as team learning exercises, whether for students, event production teams or senior leadership teams, in events or supply chain companies.

Access the Future Festival Tools