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Resources > Griffith Film School

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27 May 2014

Griffith Film School

The Griffith Film School (GFS) is the largest dedicated school of its kind in Australia and is part of Griffith University, one of Australia’s leading universities. It is also a member of CILECT (Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision) a peak body for the world’s film schools.

GFS brings together leading practitioners and latest technologies delivering innovative programs in film, television, documentary, animation and games design. Creative and technical skills are developed, ideas challenged and experimentation encouraged. By integrating theory and practice and encouraging independent enquiry and community engagement, students develop an appreciation of the artist's role in the world, as well as becoming equipped for an industry career.

At GFS students engage with Europe and Asia via internationalisation on a number of levels. The Artists-in-Residence Programme has included eminent international practitioners like Lord David Puttnam (England) Mary Stephens (France, China, Turkey) and Alberto Sciamma (England, Spain). They have significant cohorts of international students and a percentage of students are sent on exchange, typically to the UK, Europe and Asia.