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Resources > Guide to Mobility Funding in the Digital Arts

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14 Dec 2020

Guide to Mobility Funding in the Digital Arts

On the Move, with the support of the Institut français, is bringing online this first guide to funding opportunities for the international mobility of digital artists and cultural professionals: Guide to mobility funding in the digital arts – Global with a focus on Europe.

For the purpose of this guide, “digital arts” are understood as artistic practices involving (new) technologies. The term encompasses the following (non-exhaustive list): media art, new media, transmedia, net-art and internet-based art, sound art, radio art, electronic art, artistic practices, mixing art & sciences, artistic practices mixing arts & technology, video art, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), extended reality (XR), mixed reality (MR), artistic practices involving artificial intelligence (AI), and more. Specific focus areas within digital arts practices are mentioned where appropriate. Similarly, disciplines beyond the digital arts are only mentioned when the funding scheme has a broader focus than digital arts but specifically lists digital practices as a funding priority.

The guide is composed of the following chapters: 

> Funding

> Projects and networks

> Festivals, Biennales, Recurring events

> Residencies and fellowships

> Awards

> Annexes (quite extensive to include opportunities / resources linked to the Covid-19 situation)

Research by Marie Fol

Design: Marine Domec

This guide was conceived with the font, 'Luciole'. This font was specifically conceived for people with visual impairment. 

Find the guide here.

Le guide est disponible en version française (traduction Lara Bourdin)