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Resources > Hanaholmen Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre

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15 May 2011

Hanaholmen Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre

Hanaholmen – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre works to develop co-operation between the countries in all areas of society.

Hanaholmen organises conferences, seminars, and dialogues in Finland and in Sweden. Hanaholmen also operates long-standing projects, as well as shows art, arranges courses and arranges educational and cultural events. Hanaholmen is also a completely renovated conference centre with modern spaces, a high-class restaurant, and a hotel with sea views. The building is well organised and filled with inspiring contemporary art from Sweden and Finland. Spaces are fresh and functional with modern technology and all features under the same roof. 

The property at Hanaholmen is owned by the state of Finland and has been transferred to the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation, which oversees Hanaholmen.