The Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting

Dramatikkens hus (The Norwegian Centre for New Playwriting, NCNP), is a national development and resource centre for new dramatic writing. The NCNP supports dramatic writers, helps increase the quality of newly written Norwegian drama and works for the texts to be produced and meet a larger audience. They help create viable drama in all formats. Their services are tailored to the individual artist and project.
They provide financial resources, professional advice and support and scenic resources to professional artists, writers and others who wish to develop new plays in Norwegian or in a Norwegian context. A total of 10 % of all their artistic means are earmarked development of drama for children and young people. There are about 80 playwrights working with support from the NCNP at any given time, and their annual catalog of completed works yearly counts 50–60 works. They collaborate widely with producers and communities within theatre institutions and independent companies as well as fringe theatre environments.
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