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Resources > Iaspis, Swedish Arts Grants Committee

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23 May 2011

Iaspis, Swedish Arts Grants Committee

Iaspis is the Swedish Arts Grants Committee's international programme for visual artists and designers. 

Its mission is to work with internationalisation in various ways with the aim of increasing and developing contacts between Swedish artists and international institutions, fellow artists, the general public and the markets with the aim of contributing to artistic development and improved working and income opportunities. This is done by means of direct support for various forms of international cultural exchange, studio programmes in Sweden and abroad, informational activities and expert visits, as well as via a public programme of activities which formulate and explore topical issues in contemporary visual art and design from an international perspective.

The Iaspis programme offers an extensive range of public activities in the form of seminars, lectures, discussions and other kinds of public events about topical issues within visual art and design in both Sweden and abroad. The events are primarily aimed at professional practitioners.

Public-programme events held in Sweden are essential to the task of creating international encounters and exchanges of expertise as well as for the discussion of topical issues pertaining to contemporary practice and theory. Events held in other countries help to spread information about the visual arts, design, architecture and craft arts in Sweden.