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Resources > Institute for Contemporary Art

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21 Nov 2018

Institute for Contemporary Art

Institute for Contemporary Art is a Zagreb based independent cultural organisation that aims to support artistic production, artistic and theoretical research, transfer of knowledge, cooperations with local and international organisations and improve the possibilities and work circumstances in the field of contemporary art.

Their programmes include artists, curators, art historians, experts and a wide range of local and international audiences interested in contemporary art.

The organisation builds a structure for collaborative and exchange projects; initiates local and international contemporary art projects; offers training possibilities and supplemental education; and supports the arts scene logistically, organisationally, financially and professionally.

The Institute also publishes artist’s books, hold seminars, research, and works to support the development of visual arts and artists. Its primary goals are to serve the careers of individual artists but it works to recognise the critical dynamics among art making, art organisations/professionals, and donors; to foster exchange of information among the Croatian and international art scene and promote contemporary creativity; to foster the development of the public perception of artists' value to society; to create, develop and sustain high quality programmes that showcase the best practices in the field and enable Croatia to be recognised as an expert in supporting artist careers; and to provide professional advocacy in strengthening local and international cultural policy.