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Resources > Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia

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03 Sep 2010

Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia

The Institute of Contemporary Art – Sofia is dedicated to the study, understanding, promotion and practice of the visual arts of the late twentieth and early twenty first century, to the reestablishment and furthering of the dialogue between cultures and art scenes, and to the search for an open art dialogue with everyone.

The history of ICA is rooted in the professional partnership between friends who after 1989 shared the vision to open up and develop the Bulgarian contemporary art scene. The goals of ICA-Sofia are focused on the development of the contemporary art scene in Bulgaria in relation to the world at large - audience. Primary objective is the constant deepening and strehgthening of relations to the international art world - in a two directional and reciprocal manner by triggering and fascilitating a two-way flow of artists, curators and critics, projects, etc. to not only "take" your/our home out into the world, but also to bring "the world" back home.

The spectrum of ICA activities consists of international and local projects for shows, publications, conferences, seminars, short term educational activities, lecture series, and more.