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Resources > International Film Festival Of Kerala

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12 Jun 2011

International Film Festival Of Kerala

Kerala boasts one of the most cine-literate and discerning audiences in the world. Cinema and politics are two abiding passions of the people of Kerala. Bizarre experiments in the medium, with few takers elsewhere, find vociferous votaries here. Tucked away behind the serene backwaters and the swaying palm fronds, even in the remotest areas, are scores of very active film societies.To satisfy their quest for the best and the latest in the medium and to counter the effects of crass commercialisation, the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Government of Kerala, (incidentally the first state in India to take this initiative) created in August 1998, an autonomous institution called the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy.The Kerala State Chalachitra Academy (Motion Picture Academy of the Kerala State) the only Academy for Motion Pictures in India works for the promotion of Cinema as a cultural expression. The Academy is guided by the motto that Cinema should contribute to the total development of man, both as an individual and as a social being. The Academy is engaged in a programme of spreading film literacy amongst the people through the promotion of Film Societies, publication of books and periodicals, and the conduct of film appreciation courses, seminars and workshops for students as well as professionals.