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Resources > International Visa and Taxation Guide

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24 Nov 2010

International Visa and Taxation Guide


This guide helps navigate the sometimes complex processes surrounding visas, work permits and taxes when preparing to tour internationally.

International visas and taxation: a guide for performing arts organisations in Australia and New Zealand

Each year hundreds of Australian and New Zealand artists perform overseas.  The guide provides links to sources of information, some written for the cultural sector and other more general websites. It also includes case studies that feature ways in which arts companies and producers actually operate and some of the problems they encounter.

The guide was initiated and developed by the Australia Council for the Arts and Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa in response to the needs of the artists and arts organisations they work with.  It was researched and written by Sophie Travers and Linda Sastradipradja.

The guide focuses on the regions identified by Australian and New Zealand performing arts companies as high priorities:

•           Australia and New Zealand

•           Asia – China, Hong Kong, Japan, Republic of Korea, Macau, Singapore,  Taiwan

•           Europe – Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

•           Latin America – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico

•           North America – Canada and the United States of America

NOTE: Although the information is written for performing arts companies in Australia and New Zealand, artists in different artforms and from other countries may find useful advice and information resources here.

The guide is available on the Australia Council website:

It can be downloaded direct as a pdf: International Visas and Taxation

International visas and taxation: a guide for performing arts organisations in Australia and New Zealand, Australia Council for the Arts, Creative New Zealand, 2010