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03 Dec 2015

Investigating Cultural Sustainability | report

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A report ' Culture in, for and as Sustainable Development' has been published, as part of the Investigating Cultural Sustainability research network project carried out by European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).

The aim of the action was to help understand and determine the role that culture plays within the frames of sustainable development. The results of the work, including the publication of the present document 'Culture in, for and as Sustainable Development', where the three roles of culture in sustainable development identified by the Action are illustrated with real-life cases, were shared and discussed in a final public conference in Helsinki on 6-8 May 2015, 'Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices'.

Investigating Cultural Sustainability is a European research network focused in a multidisciplinary perspective on the relationship between culture and sustainable development. During its four year period (2011-2015) its main objective was to highlight European research across its members’ countries in order to provide policy makers with instruments for integrating culture as a key element of the sustainable development. Action’s network was composed of around 100 researchers from 25 countries within the EU, with participants as well from Israel, New Zealand and Australia. It held a wide variety of disciplines and fields of research, ranging from cultural, humanistic and social sciences, through political and natural sciences to planning.

The publication is addressed to scientific community, policy-makers and practitioners interested in the field.

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