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Resources > Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

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29 Mar 2012

Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia

Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia   Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia
The Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia (IAMM) is one of the world’s youngest museums. As such, it is invested with vigour and a strong sense of purpose. There are few institutions in Asia committed to giving this level of exposure to different Islamic cultures.

The IAMM is in a constant state of renewal: the collection keeps growing and our displays try to keep pace with this expansion. The look of the galleries has been changing and will no doubt continue to do so, until we have achieved the unachievable – a setting that truly does justice to some of mankind’s finest and most diverse works of art.

The galleries are provided with information panels in three languages: English, Malay and Arabic. These highlight the different themes of the collection as well as providing the historical and geographical background. The building has become a landmark within Kuala Lumpur since the museum was opened in 1999. In addition to its unique structure, the setting is very unusual for an urban museum. Few are surrounded by so much nature. Natural light is another feature that the IAMM is blessed with. As most Islamic artefacts were originally intended to be viewed by this means, the space is bathed in daylight more than most museums.

The work of the IAMM has already been recognised by leading arbiters of global art commitment. In 2003, the museum received the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) Award for patronage in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Promotion of Scholarship. This is an honour that has been shared by a select number of institutions, including the Sakip Sabanci Museum, one of the Turkey’s most important repositories of art. In the same year, the IAMM also received the Montblanc Arts and Patronage Award. This was the first time that the award had been bestowed on a recipient in Southeast Asia.

The IAMM respect the roles of ASEMUS in developing Asia-Europe collaboration in museum network and intercultural information exchanged.

Collection size: more than 8000 pieces Collection: Islamic arts artefacts such as: Arms & Armour, Ceramics, Coins, Glass ware, Jewelry, Qur’an & Manuscript, Seals, Stone carvings, Textile, Tiles, Wood work