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Resources > Japanese Society Of Cinematographers (Jsc)

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27 May 2011

Japanese Society Of Cinematographers (Jsc)

Established in 1954, the members of the Japanese Society of Cinematographers consists of cinematographers, a nucleus of the members involved in the production of feature films, television series, video released movies, cultural short films, documentaries, corporate films and television commercials; demonstrating their professional skills in the medium of film and video photography.

The J.S.C. is a single authorized craft organization in Japan in which it serves to purpose the bettering of members' social status supporting their individual excellence in their craftsmanship. To help activate the ongoing languid Motion Picture Industry, a proposition has been submitted to secure the establishment of "Japan Motion Pictures Promotional Funds" to the Federation of Motion Pictures Diet Members. As seen with the recent shutdown of Shochiku's Ofuna film studios, it has become practically impossible to improve the industry put forth a sole corporation's effort. Under these circumstances, it is imperative to take a step towards betterment and to obtain support and understanding from the Administration and Motion Pictures allied industries. For Japan's Motion Picture business to prevail as an industry and regenerate as a cultural art, we hope this proposition will act as an initial foundation to assist the recovery of this industry. Vigorous efforts are put to the realization of this proposition.