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Resources > Kulturdepartementet (The Ministry Of Culture)

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07 Jun 2011

Kulturdepartementet (The Ministry Of Culture)

The Ministry of Culture is responsible for such matters as the arts, cultural heritage, the media and religious communities. The ministry is also responsible for 25 government agencies, some 40 institutions and foundations, etc, and four enterprises wholly or partly owned by the state.

Arts Division
The division is responsible for issues concerning theatre, dance and music; libraries, literature and cultural periodicals; art and design and applied arts; remuneration and grants to artists; and film and video. The division is also responsible for certain cross-sectoral issues such as Sami and minority cultural issues; access to cultural activities by people with functional disabilities; culture for children and young people; culture in the workplace; culture and popular movements; general issues concerning regional support to cultural activities; and culture-related statistics. The division processes certain administrative matters, particularly appointments and subsidies.

Other important issues include measures to promote Swedish film production and the spread of contemporary culture throughout the country. Special projects have started for example to encourage more cultural activities in schools and to highlight art and culture from our immigrants' countries of origin.