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Resources > La Napoule Art Foundation

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01 Mar 2011

La Napoule Art Foundation

The Foundation welcomes qualified artists in all fields to its residency program at the Château de La Napoule where exhibitions, readings, concerts, performances, seminars and conferences are held throughout the year.

La Napoule Art Foundation is incorporated as an American not-for-profit 501(c)3 public institution in the State of New York ; it is recognized as an association loi 1901 in France, receiving public funding.

La Napoule Art Foundation receives aid from the French Ministry of Culture, the Conseil Régional de Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, the Conseil général des Alpes maritimes and the town of Mandelieu-La Napoule. Other support comes from private and public funding sources in the United States, as well from the Foundation's endowment.

Partnerships have been established with numerous cultural organizations in Europe, including music, film and arts festivals. the Château also hosts studio art courses in addition to music, literature and art history seminars conducted by American and French universities.