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Resources > Lessons from Connecting South: The Journey of the South-South Arts Fellowships 2022-23

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15 May 2024

Lessons from Connecting South: The Journey of the South-South Arts Fellowships 2022-23

Living Arts International (LAI) initiated the South-South Arts Fellowships (SSAF) in 2022-2023 to foster extensive networks among cultural workers in Africa, Asia (including west and central Asia), and Oceania. The fellowship programme centered on two core values: 

  • Network building and mutual learning among cultural workers within the Global South 
  • Locality and continuity that respect specific cultural contexts and foster sustainable growth

The pilot edition of SSAF received 180 applications and offered six fellowships, supporting individuals and groups to develop ongoing projects addressing specific gaps in South-South connectivity. 

This report outlines the programme and reflects upon the lessons learnt. 

Download the report here