Life Worth Living - Report of the Arts and Culture Recovery Taskforce Ireland

In Ireland, “LIFE WORTH LIVING”, the Report of the Arts and Culture Recovery Taskforce has been published.
The Taskforce was appointed in September to prepare a report for the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media including a set of recommendations on how best the arts and culture sector can adapt and recover from the unprecedented damage arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was tasked with:
- adopting a solution-focused approach;
- seeking sector-specific expert input and consult with stakeholders;
- inviting additional individuals or expertise to attend meetings on an ad hoc basis, as it deems necessary;
- focusing on providing intelligence and recommendations for an expected on-going and varying impact of COVID-19 restrictions;
- identifying immediate and medium term goals for recovery and sustainability in the sector;
- identifying possible policy initiatives or impediments to a robust sustainable recovery in the sector;
- recommending whole of Government policy initiatives and actions to support the sector;
- reporting to the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media by the 31st October 2020 in order to provide the Government with an action-plan for the sector.
It has been widely acknowledged that the impact of COVID-19 on the Arts and Culture sector has been more detrimental, and will last longer, than in nearly any other sector. Almost all activity has stopped and it is likely that for many parts of the sector it will be among the last to restart.
The Taskforce has now completed its work and its Chairperson, Ms. Clare Duignan, submitted the report to the Minister, which was noted by Government earlier today. You can view the report in full here.
The Taskforce makes a number of recommendations for the sector’s survival until it fully opens up again. This includes how it can retain the artists and the wider creative, technical, production and support workforce, with their skills and talent, so that there are still arts, culture and entertainment events for Irish audiences and foreign visitors to enjoy in better times. These recommendations build on the considerable supports provided to the impacted sectors in Budget 2021 and in the July Stimulus.
The report includes recommendations on policy and planning, income, taxation and financial provision, education and training, technology supports, mental health, social protection, community development, social inclusion as well as around copyright.
The report, in identifying the value of the arts and culture sector in society, offers ways to ensure those very performers and creators are indeed recognised and supported through new measures.
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