ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Resources > Malta Film Commission

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04 Apr 2011

Malta Film Commission

The Malta Film Commission is a government body established by CHAPTER 478 (Act No. 7 of 2005) of the Laws of Malta, consisting of an advisory body for the role of advising the Minister responsible for the film sector on policies pertaining to the promotion, development and support of the audiovisual and film servicing industry. The board is composed of a chairman and five board members, as well as the Film Commissioner who is responsible for the implementation of Malta’s audiovisual policy.

The board of the Malta Film Commission has a largely non-executive function except for the approval of applications for the financial incentives.

The Film Commissioner has the responsibility to assist the production of films in Malta and the set up of industries for the production of films in Malta and to market the locations, facilities, skills, talent and expertise available in Malta in order to attract inward investment in the form of international audiovisual productions shooting on the island.

It is also the Commissioner’s function to analyse, assess and certify the eligibility of projects and, or beneficiaries for tax or other incentives provided by the Government of Malta, to approve co-productions and represent Malta and its audiovisual industry on international film bodies.