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Resources > Mapping of arts and technology in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea

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25 Jan 2024

Mapping of arts and technology in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea

The British Council has published the report “Mapping and research into arts and technology in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea,” which was undertaken by BOP Consulting (authored by Lizzie Parker, Tom Campbell, Charmaine Hui, Yoko Nishiyama, and Gyohee Baek).

This research seeks to support future partnerships and exchange by offering insights into the key trends and characteristics of the arts and technology sectors in Northeast Asia.

Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea are home to rich, diverse and dynamic arts and technology ecosystems. In all three countries and territories, digital innovation in the arts is a government policy priority, which leads to the continuing development of new programmes, infrastructure and research.

As part of this, efforts are being made to extend and deepen the sectors’ international connections, included those already established with artists, creative businesses, research institutions and cultural organisations in the UK. 

The report presents the findings of the research for each country, with a concluding chapter outlining trends and opportunities. These findings will be used to provide market insight to the relevant UK sectors and advise on how best to support professional and creative exchange between the UK and Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea in the arts and technology sectors.

Download the report

Image: © GiiÖii Studio