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Resources > Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria

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03 Sep 2010

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria

The basic functions and tasks of the Ministry of Culture are to develop, coordinate and conduct the state policy for protection and development of culture. 

Regional Cultural Activities Directorate is a section in Ministry of Culture’s structure, which implements state’s cultural policy. Some of its activities include: development of strategies and programmes, concerning cultural activities in cultural clubs (chitalishta); cultural integration of the minorities, as well as the implementation of measures for protection of gifted children in the field of arts.

International Cooperation is carried out according to the policy of Bulgarian state in the field of international relations, the priorities for development of Bulgarian culture, as well as in virtue of the existing legal-normative basis. International Cooperation includes activities such as recognition of Bulgarian presence and the position of Bulgarian culture; building of positive image of Bulgaria as a stable partner in international cultural policy and international relations and planning, coordinating and supervising the work of Bulgarian cultural institutes abroad.

The “Copyright and Neighbouring Rights” Directorate in the Ministry of Culture is created in 1993, after terminating the existence of The Copyright Agency. The activities of “Copyright and Neighbouring Rights” Directorate include preparing of analyses, submitting standpoints in connection with the overall applying of the legislation in the field of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights; preparing of annual report (placed at the disposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy and Energy) on the state of protection of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria; performing verification and control on the observance of normative acts, related to protection of copyright and neighbouring rights.

The National Culture Fund supports the development of Bulgarian culture, by subsidizing different arts, cultural activities and authors. The governing body of the National Culture Fund is The Board of Managers. At the beginning of each financial year The Board of Managers approves a plan for subsidizing particular areas of culture by different programmes.