Mobility Funding Guide: Indonesia

The Mobility Funding Guide: Funding Opportunities for International Cultural Exchange in Asia, Guide to Indonesia provides an overview of funding available for cultural project to and from Indonesia.
In this latest edition for Indonesia, readers can find funding opportunities by country in most artistic and cultural disciplines. The guide lists national resources when available, as well as regional and international sources of funding, be they public or private. There are 2 funding organisations listed from governmental funding and foreign national cultural institutes. There are also an additional 17 international sources of funding.
To make sure that the publication uses reliable sources, only regular opportunities accessible online are listed. This means that there are a number of resources that are not listed: funds for which information is only available offline, funds that are not based on open calls, and ad hoc or short-term funding.
The above text has also been translated into Bahasa Indonesian, so it’s easily accessible for both international and Indonesian audiences.
Panduan Pendanaan Mobilitas: Peluang Pendanaan untuk Pertukaran Budaya Internasional di Asia, Panduan untuk Indonesia (The Mobility Funding Guide: Funding Opportunities for International Cultural Exchange in Asia, Guide to Indonesia) memberikan gambaran umum mengenai pendanaan yang tersedia untuk proyek budaya dari dan ke Indonesia.
Dalam edisi terbaru untuk Indonesia ini, pembaca dapat menemukan peluang pendanaan berdasarkan negara di sebagian besar disiplin seni dan budaya. Panduan ini mencantumkan sumber-sumber pendanaan nasional jika tersedia, serta sumber-sumber pendanaan regional dan internasional, baik dari pemerintah maupun swasta. Ada 2 organisasi pendanaan yang terdaftar dari pendanaan pemerintah dan lembaga kebudayaan nasional asing. Ada juga 17 sumber pendanaan internasional lainnya.
Untuk memastikan bahwa publikasi ini menggunakan sumber-sumber yang dapat dipercaya, hanya peluang reguler yang dapat diakses secara online yang dicantumkan. Ini berarti ada sejumlah sumber daya yang tidak dicantumkan: dana yang informasinya hanya tersedia secara luring, dana yang tidak didasarkan pada panggilan terbuka, dan pendanaan ad hoc atau jangka pendek.
The guide is an attempt to gather all the resources in one document and is by no means complete. Rather, it is a starting point for research into funding for mobility in the Indonesian context. You can learn about how to read the mobility funding guides here.
Since 2012, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and On the Move (OTM) have jointly presented the Mobility Funding Guides for International Cultural Exchange for the 51 countries of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM).
While the guide focuses on funded types of support relating to mobility and cross border travels, here are additional funding schemes available that support other project related expenses:
1. Australia-ASEAN Council
- Australia-ASEAN Council (AAC) grants: Provides seed funding for innovative projects that support knowledge development. Multi-country applications with strong community outreach and lasting partnerships are encouraged to better develop relations between countries. While only Australian cultural professionals and organisations are eligible to apply, applicants must show evidence that they will be working with a Southeast Asian partner.
2. Goethe-Institut
- International Co-production Fund (IKF): Supports co-productions worldwide that grow out of collaborative and dialogue-based working processes in the fields of music, dance, theatre, and performance art. The fund promotes innovative productions and international cultural exchange as well as new approaches to intercultural collaboration and networking. Individuals from the performing arts sector and particularly those from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam are encouraged to apply to realise an International project partnership and artistic collaboration.
3. International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA)
- IDFA Bertha Fund: This fund lends assistance to film documentary professionals from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam to produce their creative documentaries and garner international exposure. The fund supports documentaries that use strong visual treatments, focusing on both unknown and seasoned filmmakers, supporting their breakthrough from marginalised positions.
4. International Film Festival Rotterdam
- Hubert Bals Fund: The Hubert Bals Fund is designed to help remarkable or urgent feature films by innovative and talented filmmakers from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and parts of Eastern Europe on their road to completion.
5. Marinus Plantema Foundation
- The Marinus Plantema Foundation was founded in 1983 with the goal of strengthening bilateral connections between the Netherlands and Indonesia in the fields of culture, education, and science. The foundation provides funding to Dutch and Indonesian individuals for project development and scholarships.
6. Sørfond / The Norwegian South Film Fund
- Sørfond: The fund aims to strengthen film as a cultural expression, and support freedom of speech and human rights in Development Assistance Committee (DAC) countries where these rights are limited for political, social, or economic reasons. The fund provides production support to independent film producers making fiction or documentary films, and seeks to forge close cooperation between Norwegian filmmakers and filmmakers in DAC countries.
- Visions Sud Est fund: Supports film productions from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe and aims at making them visible in Switzerland and worldwide. It is open to production companies working on full-length (at least 70 minutes) fiction and documentary films.
8. World Cinema Fund
- World Cinema Fund (WCF): Promotes filmmaking in regions with a weak film infrastructure, while fostering cultural diversity in German cinemas as well as supporting collaboration between German and producers and partners in WCF countries such as Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam. The WCF provides support in the fields of production, post-production and distribution for feature length films and creative documentary features (minimum length 70 minutes).
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