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Resources > Mondriaan Fund

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07 Sep 2010

Mondriaan Fund

The Mondriaan Fund finances projects and programmes by visual artists, art platforms, publishers, commissioners, museums and other heritage institutions. They also organise activities. Through their grants artists can apply for subsidy to realise their plans. 

The Mondriaan Fund is one of the Netherlands’ 6 Rijkscultuurfondsen (public cultural funds). In addition to the fund for the visual arts and cultural heritage, there’s also the Cultural Participation Fund, the Performing Arts Fund, the Netherlands Film Fund, the Dutch Foundation for Literature and the Creative Industries Fund. The government supports art and culture through the ‘basic cultural infrastructure’ as well as via the 6 public cultural funds, which are monitored by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (in Dutch: OCW).

The fund is the result of a merger between the Mondriaan Foundation and the Fonds BKVB in 2011.