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Resources > Museum of Agriculture, Korea

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28 Nov 2011

Museum of Agriculture, Korea

Museum of Agriculture, Seoul, Korea   Museum of Agriculture, Seoul, Korea The Museum of Agriculture, which began collecting artifacts related to agriculture in 1985, was founded in 1987. To accomodate the changing environment for exhibitions and the growing interest towards agriculture, the museum was renovated in 2005. Today, the museum  has in place the leading display media and other audio visual elements for exhibitions. The museum which prides itslef as being the first agriculture museum in Korea, has collected around 5,000 agricultural and farming artefacts, and about 2,000 of them are on display. The Museum, with the gross floor area of 3,460 ㎡ consists of a permanent exhibition hall, a special exhibition hall, a multi-media room, and a self-experiencing room. The permanent exhibition hall which is found on three floors has roooms dedicated to agricultural history, life and cooperative. Outside the museum building, visitor can visit rice paddy fields where they can experience various farming activities. Collection size: 5,000 Collection areas: Ploughs, Water Pumps,  vegetable containers, weeding hoes, rice bins, troughs, treadmills, winnower, flags