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Resources > Music Association of Korea

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13 Jun 2011

Music Association of Korea

The Music Association of Korea – Music Council (IMC Korea) an organisation that is a member of the the International Music Council. Founded in 1961, the Music Association of Korea seeks to develop and improve Korean music and to promote the status and interests of Korean musicians through international programmes for musical and cultural exchange.

Currently, there are over 60,000 members nationwide, and a total of 151 branch offices and 50 affiliated organisations, including in Korea, the United States, Germany, China, Australia, and New Zealand, represent Korean musicians both in name and reality. It serves as a gathering of musicians engaged in the field of music whose profession is music.

The organisation hosts several international competitions and is devoted to the empowerment of Korean music. The Music Association is also involved with various arts connected to the Music sector and it is actively involved with concerts, traditional music as well as international music and instruments.